Video: Opening UDN!
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++++ 17 - 28 August 2009 +++

August 17th-28th 2009
Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg: UdN, Rotenhäuser Damm 30
What will the summer school be about?
Based on the specific conditions in Wilhelmsburg the objective of the Summer School is to address the challenge of a sustainable and widely participatory urban development. Currently Wilhelmsburg is undergoing a dramatic change caused by the high impact of urban development. Since we'll be living in Wilhelmsburg ourselfs we'll focus on questions of housing, living and working within precarious situations and search for possibilities in all scales of planning.
Where will we stay?
The Summer School will take place at the Neighbourhood University UdN: We will be
living and working at the UdN, which means literally on the construction site. Several
rooms are designated for sleeping (there will be camp beds) others for working and some
for living. Next to some bathroom facilities in the house, there will be shower
facilities at the neighbouring gymnasium (Sporthalle). Please see also
Food and cooking?
One of the first year project result is a "culture kitchen", which was build for the UdN opening. We will be using that kitchen and cook ourselfs. For dinner every day different teams of 3 to 5 will serve dinner for the rest of the group. You won't have to pay for regular food and beverages.
What do I need to bring?
The UdN will be set up for the workshop to take place. Even so we'll have electronical
equipment (e.g. about five laptops) you are welcome to bring your own "working gear", such as camera, memory-stick (USB), laptops,
notebook. We will provide some lockers or a suitable solution for the safety of your
Regarding to summer time in Hamburg (it is quite usual to have some rain), it will be
best to bring adequate closing also some warm stuff for windy and rainy days, such as shoes and clothes which are weather-proof and an umbrella. Please
bring your own sleeping back, pillow and towel. And of course don´t forget your student identity card.
What to bring…
-sleeping bag
-laptop (if you have one, we have 5 laptops for you to work with)
-digital camera, if you have one
-memory stick (USB) , if you have one
-student identity card
-shoes and clothes which are weather-proof
Further Information
HCU | HafenCity University Hamburg
Prof. Michael Koch, Prof. Bernd Kniess, Prof. Christopher Dell
Dipl.-Ing. Renée Tribble
Averhoffstraße 38
22085 Hamburg
+49 40 42827-4359